Sep 15 – On using SOLO verbs to create ILOs for a course about making moon cakes

On using SOLO verbs to create ILOs for a course about making moon cakes:

How about:

After completing this course, the students will be able to:


Identify the required ingredients at a grocery store

Combine the ingredients in the proper proportions at the proper time

Describe the baking technique: time, temp, position in oven, etc

List the possible mistakes that someone new to making mooncakes might encounter

Analyze the ingredients in another type of mooncake by tasting it

Compare and contrast the different types of mooncakes made in different parts of China

Constructively criticize mooncakes made by other students to provide helpful feedback

Explain the cultural roots and history of the mooncake

Relate the mooncake to other types of baked goods in Chinese cuisine

Justify their baking method compared to others

Create an animated tutorial for teaching the mooncake baking method

Formulate a new recipe using a microwave or convection oven

Generate a Chinese/English dictionary of recipe ingredients, baking times, verbs like mixing, grinding, etc

Given the evolution of mooncake making over the years, hypothesize where the art of mooncake making might be in 20 more years

Reflect on what they have learned, and how input from other students helped them improve their baking

Theorize how mooncakes became such an important part of the Mid-Autumn Festival

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